Saturday, 13 December 2014

Laser Tooth Whitening Delhi

Dr. Amit Goswami, owner of Delhi Dental Center welcome people looking for Dental Laser Tooth Whitening treatment procedure in Delhi India.

Delhi Dental Center has got a new thing – latest …..Instant Laser speed Tooth Whitening machine – it whitens your teeth of what ever shade to pearly white teeth in just one visit – one hour…
  Brighten your smile up to 6 – 8 shades with our Instant in-office Laser speed LED Tooth Whitening system.
In just one visit ......... one hour………

We offer Affordable Budget Best Price Low cost of Tooth Bleaching, Teeth Whitening & Laser Tooth Whitening at New Delhi India.

 L.E.D tooth whitening offers outstanding results -- without overheating teeth and leaves Teeth Whiter, Glossier & Shinier…………..
                                        This tooth whitening center in New Delhi is on a main road, well connected to Delhi metro and bus services.

For details and more information regarding treatment needs you can contact ---



Opp. Subway, Near Jagat Puri red light
Preet Vihar Metro Station .
               EAST - DELHI

DELHI - 110051. 


Mobile          --    0091 -- 9968288257.

                      --   0091  -- 9958236091. (   Whatsapp )           

Landline       –    0091–11-22544207  ,


Website    --

email I.D   --

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Portland Tooth Whitening Secrets!

Professional portland tooth whitening is becoming the increasingly popular choice for anybody with stained teeth. Beverly Hills portland tooth whitening has become the nation's way of dealing with the horrible consequence of yellow teeth. Different methods of portland tooth whitening methods are applied by dentists that depend on the type of stains and other physical conditions of the teeth.

Sunday, 19 October 2014

Tooth Whitening

Tooth whitening is the process by which the yellowish layer of teeth is removed to give pearly white teeth. The process lightens the natural color of the yellowish teeth without removing any of the tooth surfaces, thus giving a brighter tooth color. Of late, there are many varieties of products and procedures available that help improve the smile by whitening the teeth. Obviously, better looking teeth and a better smile improve the overall look.

Of the many types of tooth-whitening procedures available, the at-home bleaching kit is the most popular choice. Mouth trays, which are aids that are used in tooth whitening, are usually made in just one office visit. Some of these trays are worn for an hour, and others have to be through the night. Dentists charge anywhere between $100 and $600 for tooth-whitening services, and the prices of tooth-whitening kits vary from company to company.

Saturday, 18 October 2014

How To Easily Choose The Best Tooth Whitening Method

Since tooth whitening systems and methods now flood the market, you will want to know how to best choose the best tooth whitening formula and method, whether at the dentist or by yourself at home.This can be a very difficult task if you consider the alarming rate at which the tooth whitening industry is growing and churning out both high and low quality products for unsuspecting consumers. The Tooth whitening market has grown to represent some $4 billion dollar per annum business in the United Stats alone, with a deluge of offers that could make you dizzy and unable to make correct buying decision.

So how do you go about choosing the best tooth whitening method for you and your family?

In the avalanche of tooth whitening methods in the market today, you will find three main methods:

    Whitening Trays which contain whitening gels and won to bed to bleach the teeth over night.
    Whitening Strips of different variations are mostly for do it yourself home whitening, which takes just a few hours to achieve whiteness.
    Professional tooth whitening by your dentist.

Friday, 17 October 2014

Advantages and Disadvantages of Tooth Whitening

Tooth Whitening is one of the gifts of modern health care. It came as a revolutionary treatment that could convert dark embarrassing smiles in to pleasant adorable ones. Looking back to the advent of tooth whitening, it can be viewed as a major milestone for cosmetic dentistry. But wait! We are not here to discuss the history of tooth whitening. You have, I estimate, landed on this article to check out the advantages and disadvantages of tooth whitening so that you can determine whether it is safe for you to go for tooth whitening.

Before I pour you with advantages and disadvantages of different tooth whitening systems, it might be worthwhile to understand how the concept of tooth whitening works. So what's the magic chemical that is in the various tooth whitening agents that make the teeth whiter. Most tooth whitening agents that show good results have a bleaching agent commonly hydrogen peroxide or sometimes carbamide peroxide. This bleaching agent (oxidizing agent) simply bleaches the teeth which makes them look whiter. So what is bleached actually? Technically speaking, the bleaching agent penetrates the teeth in to enamel and dentin and bleaches (oxidizes) the stain deposits thus making the teeth look whiter.
Now moving on to the advantages and disadvantages of tooth whitening, I will outline the pros and cons of different kinds of tooth whitening systems. This is because, each whitening system has its own share of advantages and disadvantages and it's impossible to list them generally as a whole.

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Professional Tooth Whitening

Professional tooth whitening refers to tooth-whitening procedures that are performed by a certified cosmetic dentist. Thus, these procedures are those that are effectively performed and executed. For executing simple professional tooth whitening, dentists use bleaching agents on the patient's teeth. Bleaching treatments are considered to be the best whitening option.

Professional tooth-whitening treatments can be categorized as those that are performed by a dentist in the office and those that are performed at home (where the bleaching treatments are performed unsupervised by the person on his own). Professional tooth-whitening systems contain carbamide peroxide, which is the same ingredient as that found in at-home tooth-whitening kits. The only difference between the two is in the concentration. Most of the over-the-counter kits contain a carbamide peroxide solution of 10 percent or less, whereas the concentrations of the same in professional tooth-whitening gels usually begin at 15 percent.

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Paint on Tooth Whitening Products

For those that don't fancy the cost or the hassle of tray based tooth whitening products or professional tooth whitening, paint on tooth whiteners, while not necessarily proving to be as effect as some of their counterparts, certainly have a place in the tooth whitening market.

Paint on tooth whitening products are unique in as much that they don't require tooth whitening trays and, as the name suggests, paint on tooth whiteners are applied directly to the teeth where the product solidifies and transforms into an adherent film.

Unlike other tooth whitening systems, with paint on tooth whitening products you can be selective as to which teeth you choose to bleach.

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Dentist Tooth Whitening And Home-Based Systems

It's not unusual for people concerned with their personal image to be equally concerned about their welfare when it comes to personal treatments of any kind. For example, there's the question of the difference between dentist tooth whitening procedures and home-based tooth whitening. If you can whiten your teeth from the comfort of your own home, why bother with a dentist? Conversely, one may ask, "Why risk pursuing tooth whitening at home when you can get safe and professional tooth whitening results with a dentist?"

Dentist Tooth Whitening--Definitions

It's perfectly normal to be wary of a home-based product that claims to be just as effective as its professional industry counterpart. In some cases, tooth whitening products that claim to be "just as good" or even better than dentist tooth whitening are not exactly true. But by and large, most over-the-counter or online tooth whitening systems are effective and can produce satisfactory results.

It's really all a matter of procedure and need. Going to the dentist will provide you with professional care and a faster whitening process, certainly two things that matter when it comes to health care and modern day schedules.

Monday, 13 October 2014

Counting the Tooth Whitening Cost - Which Method Works Best?

When considering tooth whitening products, it's always wise to count the tooth whitening cost involved. In fact, for many people, the issue of the tooth whitening cost is one of the most influential factors when it comes to deciding which tooth whitening method or product they will invest in.

Professional tooth whitening is rarely cheap but the expertise and experience that comes with a dentist is worth paying for, if you can afford it. For those who are on tight budgets or wish to have more control over the tooth whitening process, home tooth whitening products are available and in most cases are just as effective.

It's all a matter of tooth whitening cost and flexibility. The following is a review of tooth whitening products, their processes, and the necessary tooth whitening cost for each method.